Marooned on a tropical moon with two handsome men—one her Earth Bureau of Investigation partner—Betinsa Nungio faces the comchi, the time in her species’ lives when they must take mates or risk death.
Agent Matt Newton has hidden his attraction to his partner. Now, he has the opportunity to explore his feelings. Can he find the courage to share her with another man, one she needs to complete her transition?
Ambassador Drake Keller faces a dilemma—he’s supposed to observe other cultures, not participate in them. Yet Betinsa needs him—as she needs Matt—and the more time Drake spends with her, the more his passion grows. How can he possibly leave her behind when they are rescued?
As the trio explores their growing bond, they stumble across a terrorist group plotting to destroy Betinsa’s planet and must work together to try and save her world.
A Siren Erotic Romance
Whew, this was one hot book. Marooned is book two in the Wicked Missions series and I must say I am loving this series. I never thought I would be the type of person that fell in love with something Sci Fi but this story is more about the relationships between Matt, Drake and Betinsa than it is dealing with otherworldly characters. Don't get me wrong this story does not lack action in any way. In fact, get ready to go on a fast paced action filled ride because this book has it all.
Betinsa's character was one of my favorites because she is taken right out of her comfort zone and delves head first in one hot and steamy romance between two men. I enjoyed Matt's character in Locked In (book one) and was so glad to see that he got his own romance and with the lovely Betinsa. Matt made me laugh with the little jokes he would crack and no one would think it was funny. Don't worry Matt, I thought you were funny and laughed at every single joke. Drake's character was the typical alpha male. The tall good looking man that was hard as nails on the outside but all soft and mushy inside once it came to Betinsa. *dreamy sigh* I love Drake.
The plot line was fantastic and filled with action. Betinsa is from a culture where the woman is essentially the bread winner in the family. Her culture also expects each female to have two male soul mates, which works out fabulously for Matt, Drake and Betinsa. I can't give away too much of the action scenes but let me just say you don't want to miss the middle of the book and the furry little rat looking creatures. Especially Matt's reaction to them.
Like I said before, I really love this Wicked Missions series and can't wait to read Bounty which is book three. Luckily there are seven books so far in the series so I will always have another book to look forward to. I highly recommend Marooned even if you aren't a fan of alien beings. A fascinating read, Marooned will keep you on the edge of your seat and will certainly leave you satisfied.
Buy Marooned here
Click on the name of the book to buy the other books in the series
Locked In - Book One
Marooned - Book Two
Bounty - Book Three
Sold - Book Four Coming June 20th
Hunted - Book Five Coming Soon
Captivated - Book Six Coming Soon
Covert - Book Seven Coming Soon
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